Our role

The Auditor-General is an independent officer of the Victorian Parliament and is supported by around 185 staff. We provide assurance to Parliament and the Victorian community about how effectively public sector agencies are providing services and using public money. We achieve this through an annual program of financial and performance audits of state and local government public sector entities.

Our audits examine:

  • how effective, efficient, and economical government agencies, programs and services are
  • how government agencies manage resources
  • opportunities for government agencies to improve their management practices and systems
  • if government agencies are fairly presenting their annual financial statements and performance statements 
  • if government agencies are complying with legislation and other requirements
  • if there is wastage or a lack of probity in the way that public resources are being managed.

Through our audit work, we make recommendations that promote accountability and transparency in government and improve agencies’ service efficiency and effectiveness. We take a constructive approach to how we engage with our clients. In addition to providing assurance about past public sector performance, our auditors provide written advice to agencies on how they can improve their future performance.

We publish our audit findings in reports, which are tabled in Parliament and publicly available online. To view out past audit reports, visit the reports page.

Read more about how our work is governed by visiting the legislation and standards page.

Victoria’s integrity system

As an independent officer of Parliament, the Auditor-General is part of Victoria’s integrity system.

The core agencies that make up Victoria’s integrity system are:

  • Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC)
  • Victorian Ombudsman
  • Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO).

These three agencies ensure that the Victorian Government continues to operate in the best interests of Victorians and is free from fraud and corruption.

Source: Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC)

Want to find out more about our work?

Download our handy fact sheets that provide you with more information about our role and our audit services.

About VAGO: this fact sheet provides information about the Auditor-General and VAGO's work.

Our assurance services: this fact sheet provides information about the nature and and levels of assurance that we provide to Parliament and public sector agencies through our work program.

Performance engagements: this fact sheet provides information on performance engagements for those with responsibility for the activities we examine and the users of our engagement reports.

Financial audits: this fact sheet provides information on financial audits for parliamentarians, management and those charged with the governance of Victorian public bodies, other users of our audit reports and members of the public.