Fair presentation of service delivery performance: 2024


Why this is important

The Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) delivers Budget Paper No. 3: Service Delivery and department performance statements in May each year.

This budget paper outlines the Victorian Government’s priorities for the goods and services (outputs) it will provide to Victorians. The department performance statements set the expectations for service delivery by specifying performance measures and targets that departments intend to meet.

Parliament and the community are interested in the fair presentation of service delivery performance as well as the accuracy of the reported results. Department performance statements must provide an accessible understanding of a department's performance.

Our reviews, however, continue to find significant and persistent weaknesses in departments’ performance reporting, thereby weakening the transparency and reliability of reported information.

In this review, we will explore whether new measures provide an accessible understanding of a department’s output performance. We will also explore how performance measures and targets are developed, how departments report changes to their performance information, and how departments use performance information to manage their performance.


What we plan 
to examine

We plan to examine whether departments fairly present their service delivery performance.


Who we plan 
to examine

All departments, with DTF as our agency in focus.


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