Responses to Performance Engagement Recommendations: Annual Status Update

When we audit the performance of public sector agencies, we often identify opportunities for them to improve how they work. We make recommendations to help them address the risks and the root causes of any poor performance.

However, agencies are not legislatively required to accept, complete or publicly report on our recommendations.

Sexual Harassment in Local Government

Sexual harassment in the workplace is unlawful and can cause significant harm to those who experience it. It can also be costly for employers, exposing them to legal liability and increasing staff turnover.

Under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010, employers must take reasonable and proportionate measures to eliminate sexual harassment in their workplaces.

We examined whether councils provide their staff and councillors with workplaces free from sexual harassment.

We looked at:

Managing Development Contributions

Development contributions are payments or in-kind works, facilities or services that developers and landowners provide towards the supply of infrastructure. Councils and the state use several tools to collect development contributions. The state government oversees all these tools.

This audit examined whether development contributions provide required infrastructure to new and growing communities as intended.

Responses to Performance Audit Recommendations 2015–16 to 2017–18

In our first Assurance Review, we looked at how public entities monitored and responded to performance audit recommendations made by VAGO between 2015-16 and 2017-18.

Nothing has come to our attention to indicate that overall, agencies are not effectively implementing past performance audit recommendations.

Most agencies report having governance arrangements that allow their senior management and audit committees to monitor progress in implementing our audit recommendations.

Appendix E. Seal types by council

As part of our sector-wide questionnaire, we asked councils about the seal types they used on their local road network. We asked councils to identify the amount of their network, in square metres, they sealed with: 

  • single spray seal
  • double spray seal
  • geotextile/membrane seal
  • thin asphalt
  • thick asphalt.

Figures E1 to E5 shows the results for all participating councils. 

FIGURE E1: Seal types used on local road network—metropolitan councils